Bee Studies 2022, Vol 14, Num, 2     (Pages: 047-053)

Molecular Characterization of the Honeybee (Apis mellifera) from two Vegetational Zones in Nigeria

Afeez Tope Nasirudeen 1 ,Michael Olufemi Awodiran 1 ,Tofunmi Elizabeth Oladimeji 1

1 Department of Zoology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeriax DOI : 10.51458/BSTD.2022.28 Viewed : 4947 - Downloaded : 966 The genetic structure and diversity of Apis mellifera from eight populations across two vegetational zones of Nigeria was investigated in order to provide base line information that will enhance its conservation, genetic improvement and sustainable yield. Genomic DNA was extracted from 40 specimens randomly selected from eight colonies in derived savannah and tropical rainforest regions of Nigeria. The specimens were amplified using five Random Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers and the amplicons generated were assessed using appropriate statistical indices. Results generated revealed significant genetic polymorphisms among the eight populations of A. mellifera ranging from 38.89 to 68.52% with a total of 281 bands amplified from 54 loci in all samples. The derived savannah population (Offa) had a greater amount of genetic diversity than the rest seven (7) populations as revealed by the percentage of polymorphic loci, expected heterozygosity and Shannon information index (I). The genetic structure as revealed by the Neighbour-Joining dendrogram showed that the eight populations studied represent two major genotypic groups with intra-group relationships. Eleyoka and Offa populations were the genetically closest in the first group while Ayetoro-Gbede and Ayegunle-Gbede populations were the genetically closest in the second group. The study suggests that the two major genotypic groups represent two distinct genetic stocks and can thus be managed accordingly. Keywords : Genetic diversity Polymorphism Population RAPD